“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”
~ Elizabeth Andrew
Volunteers are the lifeblood of community organizations like Umoja. Get involved with us!
We are always looking for caring, compassionate community members who are willing to lend a hand. If you have 1-3 hours a week to spare, why not think about tutoring a child online or delivering food hampers to families for our Mosaic Food Program? We have multiple ways you can connect to the community and make an important contribution. Email us at volunteer@umojamosaic.org or fill out our
Volunteer with us for the 2024 Summer Soccer Camps!
Volunteer commitment
One Week Commitment: You are only expected to commit to one week, but if you would like to volunteer for multiple camps, we would love to have you!
Camp Hours: Each camp runs from 9am – 1pm. Volunteers are expected to arrive at 8:30am and leave by approximately 1:30-2:00pm (depending on cleanup and debriefing).
Volunteer perks
Meals: Breakfast and snacks are provided for all volunteers and camp counsellors.
References: Must provide 3 character references (e.g., teacher, neighbor, or family friend).
Education: Completion of grade 8.
Background Check: Police Check with Vulnerable Sector Search (VSC letter provided upon registration).
Training: Attendance at one training meeting before camp.
Commitment: Minimum one week of camp (Monday to Friday).
Information received is confidential and will be used solely for the purposes of supporting the programs hosted by Umoja Community Mosaic.
If you’re interested in volunteering, please submit your information through our summer camp volunteer form!